The Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Computational Models of Arguments (COMMA 2016) are now available online, free-of-charge as open access, from IOS Press.

The proceedings includes a paper Douglas Walton and I wrote about a new formal model of structured argument, used in Version 4 of Carneades, with better support for balancing arguments, cumulative arguments (“accrual”), and multi-criteria decision analysis:

Gordon, Thomas F. and Walton, Douglas (2016). Formalizing Balancing Arguments. Proceedings of the 2016 conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA 2016) (pp. 327-338): IOS Press.

Unfortunately, the [version of the paper in the proceedings](( includes a minor error in Definition 7 (Applicable Argument). The version of the paper available on my web site corrects this error.